Intro: Setting up your Small Business Website

  1. Intro or READ THIS FIRST
    1. This tutorial is extensive, but not foolproof. You still need to think things through and some details may have changed since this was written. I try to mention as many “gotchas” as I can to help you avoid mistakes. I’d urge you to read the documentation whenever you have questions. AWS and WordPress have some pretty good docs so go check them out. 
    2. DO NOT follow along blindly. Look at what you’re doing and feel free to click on the “info” links AWS scatters around. 
    3. Learn and be curious! There are TONS of free and inexpensive classes about all kinds of AWS and WordPress topics. Go get smarter! 
    4. This is just one way to do things. There are variations and other ways. I’ve based this on my experience but your needs may differ. 
    5. DO NOT re-use login credentials. Use a reputable password manager if you need to. I suggest LastPass.  LastPass is a service (and phone app and browser plug-in) that securely stores your passwords so you have to remember only the password to your computer and the one to LastPass. Here is a quick tutorial on getting started with LastPass.